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Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Application Fees

Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program is renowned for its efficiency and affordability. While there’s an investment requirement to qualify, navigating the application process involves specific fees. Understanding these costs empowers you to make informed decisions about your path to Saint Lucian citizenship.

Breaking Down the Fees:

Here’s a breakdown of the key fees associated with Saint Lucia’s CBI program application:

  • Non-refundable Government Application Fee:
    • $2,000 USD for a single applicant
    • $3,000 USD for a family application (includes spouse and dependent children)

This fee covers the administrative costs associated with processing your application by the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU).

  • Due Diligence Fees:
    • $7,500 USD for the main applicant
    • $5,000 USD for each dependent above 16 years old

Due diligence is a crucial aspect of the program, ensuring the integrity of Saint Lucian citizenship. These fees cover the cost of conducting thorough background checks on all applicants and dependents.

  • Additional Administrative Fees:
    These may apply depending on your chosen investment option. For instance, real estate and enterprise project investments often incur additional administrative fees. These fees typically range from $50,000 USD and upwards, depending on the complexity of the project. Our free consultation will provide you with a full breakdown of fees before commencing the process.

Partnering with a Licensed Agent:

The professional fees associated with retaining a licensed agent is USD$5,000.00. In order for an application to be submitted to the Government of Saint Lucia, an applicant must use a Licensed Citizenship by Investment agent. This fee is paid to Blue Marble Citizens (the agent) upon commencement of the application process. We specialize in Saint Lucia’s CBI program and provide invaluable guidance throughout the application process.

Remember: The investment amount itself is not considered an application fee. It’s a separate requirement based on your chosen investment path (government contribution, real estate, bonds, or enterprise project).

A Transparent Process:

Saint Lucia’s CBI program aims for transparency. The application fees are clearly outlined, allowing you to budget effectively. Partnering with a reputable licensed agent ensures you understand any additional costs associated with the process.

Investing in Your Future:

The application fees are a small but crucial investment on your path to Saint Lucian citizenship. The program’s benefits, including visa-free travel, potential tax advantages, and the right to live in a stunning Caribbean paradise, far outweigh the initial costs.

Taking the First Step:

Understanding the application fees is a critical first step in your Saint Lucian citizenship journey. By carefully considering these costs and partnering with Blue Marble Citizens, you can navigate the application process with ease and unlock a world of opportunity for yourself and your family.

Let us help you!

If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Call : (758)720-9903

info@bmcitizens.com Mon – Sun 09:00-17:00

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